The main image of the Netherlands is split up into four separate maps containing the active WWW-servers within the Netherlands. Click inside the main image or on one of the links below the image to take you to that part. Every red dot in the parts represents one WWW server. In some cases, the city name is given together with the server(s). Clicking on the red dot gets you in touch with the server and clicking on the city name takes you to a page telling more about that particular place. Clicking in the background supplies you Touristic Information about the Netherlands.
The four main cities of the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Den Haag, Rotterdam, Utrecht) have a page of their own.
The pages of the Dutch Home Page should best be viewed with the most recent version of the Netscape WWW-browser.
The information you are now reading and
all other pages from our server are coming to you from a
Silicon Graphics Indy workstation.
The Indy contains 64 MB of memory, 2 GB of harddisk and two ethernet cards.
With this machine we are able to make sure that the Dutch Home Page
will be accessible all the time (unless something funny happens
with our network).
First of all, you need software to set up a WWW-server. Here, the Netsite Communications Server from Netscape Communications is used which is very easy to install and maintain. Furthermore, to be able to set up clickable maps you need to know several things about imagemapping. On the graphics side, you need some applications to be able to manipulate pictures and drawings. Here, Xpaint (a simple drawing package under X-Windows), XV (an interactive image displayer under X-Windows) and several image applications available under IRIX 5.3 are used.
In principal only main servers of a site are added to the overview. In the case of universities, only the main university server is added and servers set up by different faculties are not added but should be referenced from the main server. In the case of companies which rent space of their server to other companies or individuals, pages will be judged on a individual basis. I hope people will understand that it is (will become) impossible to add each page to the maps; first of all because of the lack of space on the maps but more importantly because finding information would become very difficult.
Several people already have sent me comments about the way WWW-server are collected in these pages. Of course, you are right when you say that actually you don't want to know where a certain server is located, you just want to get there. However, since I first set up these pages, it has become very popular (currently over 5000 requests per day) and it seems lots of people use the pages to surf the net in the Netherlands. I will keep collecting and adding new servers to the maps as long as reasonable number of people keep using them.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome.