History; beginning of 1995

This was the way the pages looked at the beginning of 1995. At that time it was used about 2,750 times per day. Mostly by people from the Netherlands but also a lot of foreign people used these pages to find more information about the our little country.

Some of the links may not be functional any longer !

Home Page of The Netherlands
a.k.a. Dutch Home Page

Powered by Silicon Graphics

North East South West

How does it work ?

The above image of the Netherlands is split up into four seperate maps containing the active WWW-servers within the Netherlands. Click inside the above image or on one of the links below the image to take you to that part. Every red dot in the parts represents one WWW server. In some cases, the city name is given together with the server(s). Clicking on the red dot gets you in touch with the server and clicking on the city name takes you to a page telling more about that particular place. Clicking in the background supplies you Touristic Information about the Netherlands.

For the people who contact this page with a text-only browser, a list of Dutch WWW-servers will also be kept up to date.

Announcements about new Dutch servers can be sent in using a special form. New servers will be highlighted on the maps and appear in a special section in the list of Dutch WWW-servers.

In case you would like to know a little bit more about the making of these pages, read about it in How do they do that ??.

Other places

Several other places where you can find information about WWW-activities in the Netherlands, including searchable indexes:

Holland ExxPO
Internet Gids, Dutch Yellow Pages
Furthermore, if you are looking for general information about the Netherlands take a look at the soc.culture.netherlands FAQ (both interesting for people in- and outside our country).
Outside the Netherlands

Europe City.Net World


E.B.S. Holland BV for supplying remote control of our server.
National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) for satellite background images.

Last modified: April 6, 1995
Brought to you by:
Heini Withagen, Electronic Circuit Design Group, Faculty of EE, Eindhoven University of Technology

Heini Withagen, www@eeb.ele.tue.nl