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Lucht- en Ruimtevaart


12 Sites

European Space Agency - ESTEC
Technical information on space programmes and related activities.
Fokker Space
Ruimtevaart bedrijf.
Veel (Nederlandstalige) informatie het Global Positioning System (GPS) betreffende. Dit revolutionaire plaatsbepalingssysteem zal een duidelijke impact hebben in ons dagelijks leven.
International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences
Institute for international higher education in the Netherlands. The main objective of ITC is to assist developing countries in human resources development in aerospace surveys, remote sensing applications, the establishment of geoinformation systems and the management of geoinformation.
International Institute of Air and Space Law
Centre for learning and teaching of air and space law as well as for the organisation of conferences and post academic courses.
Meteor Section from NVWS
Information about Meteor Section of the NVWS.
National Aerospace Laboratory
The central institute for Aerospace Research.
Information about astronomy software and the CCD cookbook camera and CCDBase program.
Netherlands Geomatics & Earth Observation
Distributie van operationele satelliet opnames.
NIVR Home Page
Overview of the organisation and activities of the Netherlands agency for aerospace programmes.
Rigid Airship Design
Een Nederlands bedrijf, gevestigd te īs-Graveland, dat in Lelystad klassieke Rigid Luchtschepen gaat bouwen. In het consortium zijn o.a. vertegenwoordigd: RDM en Stork.
Space Research Organisation Netherlands
Foundation within the framework of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Its mission is to initiate, to develop, to build and use internationally outstanding instruments for scientific research in and from space.